Are you looking for your newborn feeding essentials? The Baby Fair has a range of products to fulfil newborn feeding needs. As a parenting website, we offer must-haves for breastfeeding, bottle feeding, teething, baby meal essentials, high chairs, water bottles, and bibs/ burp clothes. Let's explore!

What are Breastfeeding essentials? 

Our breastfeeding category comprises breast care items, breast pumps, breast pump accessories, pillows, stools, and milk storage bags. Breast care items include nipple creams and pads for comfort and relief during breastfeeding. 

Breast pumps and accessories are essential for mothers who want to express milk, while pillows and stools provide a comfortable seating environment during feeding. Moreover, we have milk storage bags to store expressed milk and keep it fresh for later use.

Bottle feeding Must-Haves

Feeding bottles, nipples, bottle warmers/sterilisers, formula preparation equipment, and bottle cleaning products are essentials for bottle-feeding your baby.

Baby feeding bottles come in different sizes and materials, such as glass and plastic, and are compatible with different types of nipples. Bottle warmers/sterilisers ensure that bottles are clean and warmed to the right temperature, while formula preparation equipment makes mixing and dispensing formula easy. 

We also offer Bottle cleaning products, including brushes, cleaners, and sterilising tablets to keep bottles clean and hygienic. 

With various products available, parents can find everything they need to make bottle-feeding a convenient and stress-free experience.

Ease your Baby’s Teething Process

At Baby Fair, we have Pacifiers and teethers as popular products that comfort babies and help soothe their teething pain. Pacifiers come in various sizes and designs; some even come with pacifier accessories such as clips and holders to prevent them from getting lost or dirty. At the same time, Teethers are designed to be chewed on and can be cooled or frozen to relieve sore gums.

Baby Meal Time Essentials and High Chairs

We understand that mealtime with a baby can be messy, but with the right tools, it can be enjoyable too. You only need mealtime essentials such as baby cutlery, food containers, food processors, and placemats. Baby cutlery, including plates and forks, come in small sizes perfect for tiny hands and are designed to be safe for babies.

Furthermore, our food containers are ideal for storing baby food and snacks; some even come with dividers to separate different foods. Food processors make it easy to puree and blend baby food, while placemats help protect surfaces from spills and stains.

However, if your baby is ready to sit up and join the family at the table, high chairs, boosters, and seat covers are essential. 

High chairs come in a variety of styles and designs, and some are adjustable to grow with your child, while Boosters provide a comfortable and secure seat for babies who have outgrown high chairs but are still too small for regular chairs.  Moreover, seat covers offer a practical solution for keeping high chairs and boosters clean and free from spills and stains.

Why do you need water bottles and bib and burp clothes? 

Baby water bottles, bibs, and burp cloths are much-needed items for parents on the go! Our  baby water bottles are designed to be lightweight and easy to carry and come in a range of sizes to suit different needs. 

Bibs protect baby's clothing from food and milk spills during feeding, while burp cloths protect parents' clothing from baby's spit-up.

With a wide range of Feeding Essentials at the Baby fair, you can embark on a successful parenting journey!